Crossing the cultural divide
Lee: lolI don't even WANT to think about that.
you know what they do to deadbeats in Kalimantan...
me: ...
curse them using voodoo?
circumambulate a fire shaking chicken teeth at them?
Lee: Yes! and magically remove genitalia
me: hmmmm
still there, you got me worried
dont think javan magic is still so strong
Lee: Possibly.....but I think we already discussed the problems with chicken teethe............I'm never liveing it down
Lee: we're going over to GG's parents for dinn in a few
me: have a good one - im sure her mom makes amazing things outta pork sausage... err no pun intended
Lee: hehe....ummm....ewww, but yes at the same time
me: i know thats how i felt when I wrote it
especially creepy after the genitalia removal magic....
Lee: good work
me: theyre related arent them kalimantan and phillipinos...
ive gotta get going and i think I just sicked you out enough
Lee: very....but I dont' think Lou and Vil have much magic left
me: hopefully ;-)