Lazy Sundays Pt 2
So with the last post in mind, where I spoke about lazy sundays, this was the real one. For various reasons we decided to meet closer to her house, which meant that we ended up in park, chatting away and getting to know each other even better. Most of the time we just sat and chilled by a large paved area. Un-be known to most people, there is actually a water fountain hidden under the middle of this, that is scheduled to go off every half an hour, do its thing and switch off again. We watched it, and the many people going up to it - especially the curious kids who were sometimes too busy getting closer to realise they had inadvertently entered the fountain and then schpursh - a huge jet of water came behind and soaked them. Eventually we got hungry, bought an variety of foods to make an instant picnic and returned to the fountain area which was now full of people.It was whilst chomping on our lunch that we noticed two out of towners playing baseball in this area, using the fountain center as their mound... well you can guess what happened!!! (see photos below)

We laughed our asses off, and it was a very nice day, a perfect lazy sunday.