It's a Dance-Off!
Glad to be out with Lavinia for a few drinks, headed straigh to Carnagies because, well, I'm white so it's perfect logic to assume I want to be in an American Bar. We quickly disposed of her healthy lifestyle. Being a very bad influence I had her drinking as soon as the bar could make her Sex on the Beach and smoking before she'd put her bag down.We chatted and got deep into the gorge of gossip, what was happening in our perspective lives and the latest people fired from ALV; the company we both had the misfortune of working for during the Singapore Summer Camp. Neither of us was fired tho'.
Before too long we had drunk through the Sex-based cocktail and finished off the Sex-based chit-chat, she had already phoned her boyfriend to break up with him for not repsonding to texts all week. Of course getting back with him because his excuse was good enough, a very drunk yank had polished off half my beer thinking it was his and was mid-way through chatting up a girl half the age of his daughter, his freind begging him home, but this guy's so pissed he thinks he's a celeb and deserves to be the center of attention. Most poeple are just concerned that he'll fall into them, leaving his slug-like trail of beer, sweat and slobber all over them.
He's out of the picture now though, coz our alcohol's working good for us, we're warmed up and ready to shake like Shakira, for our hips don't lie, and more so our butts are tired of sitting.
To Luxy.

There's one truth that all men must confess to.; that's their mutual love of short-shorts. Thank-heaven that Lavinia was wearing her shortest short-shorts, a little tight, white pair matched to a tighter white top. We left the queue behind us before we'd even seen where it was and walked straight down the VIP channel, so quickly in fact, that the security only had enough time to check out how this Whitened Angel (think mad Sci-Fi Barbarella look-alike since Lav's hair is pretty big and wild too, just black instead of blonde... see photo).
This meant that they didnt notice my sandels (thongs or flip-flops) until much later. By this time, we'd already paid in and were dancing on top of a lighted box behind the dancefloor. I dont know why heights make dancing more fun, maybe coz you dont have people knocking into you all the time. Anyway, we were dancing there, and strangely, the guys were buying me the drinks, an Austrian, a Brit and the Barman all got me a beer in, maybe to get into Lavinia's pants (as if there was any room - see pic!!!).
Well, there we are dancing around, and three tarted up Taiwanese chicks ask me something. I shrug and they tap Lavinia on the shoulder. It turns out they want to dance around their hand-bags on the stage, so I, being a Brit gent naturally step down to give them room. This rapidly turns into a dance-off as the three girls, and now Lavinia all compete with each other for the sexiest moves, thank-fully I wasn't involved since I was standing behind them all...
However, it didn't last long, as however much fun we were all having, the bouncer walked up to me, pointed at my feet and ugged. A few uggs, grunts and growls later I realised he meant that I couldn't wear flip-flops into the club, I mean its not like I tucked my trousers over them to hide them on the way in is it! He really refused to believet hat I hadn't smuggled such dangerous devices into the club and I don't think he would have appreciated me claiming Im a pre-op transvestite and since its OK for girls to wear any footwear it should be OK for me.
Luckily, Lavinia's feet are big enough, and she was wearing material converse, so I could get hers on and she was allowed to wear my sandels. Well, it was a great night out, but I still don't get why clubs ban guys from wearing flip-flops. I mean, they don't look as bad as sneakers/trainers in fact they look better than most trainers and go better with loads of clothes. Plus chicks get to wear them... really I should stick to the old rules... if a place isn't cool enough not to have a dress code, then its not cool enough for me ;-)