This is the photo-video I made for a trip to HK disneyland last year, but I had to wait fro a adecent internet connection before I could upload it, so here it is
This is something I was originally loaded with at my school end of semester meeting. I knew that "cheee" whilst holding up the "L" was a set pose for photos, along with two fingers and "yeee" but I had no idea that junior highu school girls all come up with their own 10 poses to do at foh-to-a-ke-lu-ba (those passport photo booths where you can take a series of photos with your friends to different backgrounds)
Well, I got loaded again, this time at Chinese New Year... but luckily I got revenge on my nemasis (vita...)
Lee: lol I don't even WANT to think about that. you know what they do to deadbeats in Kalimantan... me: ... curse them using voodoo? circumambulate a fire shaking chicken teeth at them? Lee: Yes! and magically remove genitalia me: hmmmm still there, you got me worried dont think javan magic is still so strong phew Lee: Possibly.....but I think we already discussed the problems with chicken teethe............I'm never liveing it down Lee: we're going over to GG's parents for dinn in a few me: have a good one - im sure her mom makes amazing things outta pork sausage... err no pun intended Lee: hehe....ummm....ewww, but yes at the same time me: i know thats how i felt when I wrote it especially creepy after the genitalia removal magic.... Lee: good work me: theyre related arent them kalimantan and phillipinos... ........... ive gotta get going and i think I just sicked you out enough Lee: very....but I dont' think Lou and Vil have much magic left me: hopefully ;-)
My brother and I were very lucky to be invited to Vita's parent's house to celebrate Chinese New Year with her family... which of course included her mum oerdering different people to gambe each other all in a series, it makes me wich we had only turned up with 4 bottle of beer not 6! Al was thankful we took beer since they wanted to use whiskey
More probably, the English don't care enough to be phobic. For many of them, the idea that Britain is more than simply a greater England is relatively new, the words England and Britain being used interchangeably by English historians well into the 20th century.
The first line is precisely my answer to why we dont have a negative nickname for canadians or aussies...
10:48 AM Xmas and Lee don't exist on the same plain.......and even if I did care about Xmas, there would be no Xmas for a Canadian in California me: hahaha ya, try taiwan Lee: light reindeer and Santa trotting across lush green lawns is just wornfg wrong me: ahhh, you need the snow i guess Lee: HA!! ................... When I wa in Taipei!........ Me and a couple teachers were cruising around the streets looking for a noddle stall....... 10:50 AM we didn't find one, but we DID find a holiday shop selling decorations, and they're ad outside the store....... was santa on a CROSS! jolly ol' saint Nick being crucified! right players, wrong play 10:51 AM me: heheheh omg i gotta fnd that place 10:52 AM Lee: retard that I am, I didn't have my camera with me me: that beggers the question... hoiw did they position rudolf? Lee: ha!
So as you may be able to tell from this, xmas and Taiwan go together like chalk and cheese. I'll post something up later about what little of this sacred holiday we managed to celebrate, without sacrificing too much!