New job, new appartment, new life
I am pretty much in "Taipei County" like greater london, but I really like that. My school is in a place called Pali (so because in Chinese B and P is the same sound, I have finally managed to work in Bali! Just in the wrong country ;-)Its on the way to a place called Danshui, which is where the beach is, so in the morning I take the MRT for 10 mins before changing onto a bus where I cross over this huge river, on one side can see the blue hazey mist coming from the early morning ocean, and on the other are big soft green mountains, theyre whats behind my screen now, so its a really nice environment. Plus, I live in a place called Shilin. Its like the Camden of London, or like another brighton/manchester district within a city. It doesnt have big malls and designer chain stores, but small independant shops, loads of cafes and other small businesses. In fact my litttle studio flat is just 3 minutes walk from the MRT and I have a green grocers and bakery next door... mmmmm, what lovely scents I receive when I walk past the tropical fruits and then fresh breads.

Then Im back in my little appartment. Its really cool, and for the bargain price of 120 pounds a month including bills! I dont have a kitchen, but there are so many places to eat on the street or in restaurants next to my place that I dont really need to cook anyway. Oh, but its a really cool little flat. The room is probably only 4 meters by 2 and a half. But you enter at the top of the rectangle and facing you is a huge window that extends all the way across the back wall with a desk running underneath. On the left theres a door to the bathroom and washing machine, (all in one Wet room.. not sure how safe that is, but I guess you dont shower and do laundry at the same time)
[now excuse the laurence llyweyn bowen/designer thing]
Coming back from the desk the best thing in the room starts happening. We have a single bed sized raised wooden platform, which I wanna turn into a comfy den-zone using primary colour cushions, from here you climb a step ladder up to a slightly smaller "bunk" that forms the roof to this den. This is the half landing where I wanna put a tropical fish tank that could be viewed from most areas of the studio. From this you then climb a final step ladder to a big, U shaped roof area - which I had intended to sleep in, until I realised how hot it gets up there so I may change that into the wardrobe and drying room???
We'll see, Ill send out some photos when I have it set up as I want.

However, Im dead chuffed and so happy that I came out here, will let you know how my life gets going, when it gets going.